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Waste Management Efforts

At CyrusOne, we look for ways to support the transition to a circular economy and improve waste management and circularity in our operations. A large portion of the circular economy equation involves eliminating as much waste as possible and recapturing any remaining waste as a resource to manufacture new materials and products. At CyrusOne facilities, we have a variety of recycling and sustainable waste management methods and processes in place that allow us to move closer to our sustainability goals.

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Our waste management methods in our facilities and offices handle various types of waste. When it comes to general recycling, as a part of our service to customers during their move-in process, we provide recycling for their packaging, such as cardboard boxes.  

For each facility, this waste generation is highly episodic — we may have a few months of this waste during move-in and then very little for years until the customer upgrades their equipment and generates more packaging. Many of our data centers also offer meeting rooms for customer use, and as part of this service, we offer office recycling of paper and drink containers at many locations. This matches the recycling we implement at our headquarters buildings.   

While CyrusOne has long recycled its own electronics, in 2022 we implemented a new partnership with AIT Electronic Recycling Solutions to provide electronic recycling collection bins for our customers and team members as well. Each CyrusOne facility in the US now has a bin to provide a convenient way for them to properly recycle these materials.  

In addition to waste produced at work, customers and teammates can also bring in e-waste from home for recycling, including old computers, printers, keyboards, monitors, etc. In the first seven months of the partnership (May – December 2022), AIT picked up over 66,000 lbs. of recyclable materials! This new recycling program is a vital part of CyrusOne’s Circular Economy efforts to keep valuable materials in circulation and toxic materials out of the environment. 

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